Scott & Sunny

Scott & Sunny

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Well it’s been two days since my last post and I wish I could be telling you all how much better Scott is feeling however he is still thoroughly exhausted, very quiet and just not himself at all. I am worried as usually by now (almost 6 days past chemo) he should be starting to show signs of recovery. There is not much more I can say about this without getting completely depressing, lets just hope tomorrow brings a better day.

Oh and also, some good news (YAY!), Derry was on the telly tonight! He has been at ‘extreme power skating’ camp the last 5 weeks being trained by this crazy French Canadian NHL referee named Jonny Murray. He is a real nice guy but kind of scary too. Having said that though he has been very sweet with Scott, he understands only too well what leukemia can do to a kid, Coach Jonny’s nephew also had ALL. He said that the next time we get Scott on the ice we have to call him and he will come and skate with him. So anyway, Bay News 9 was down at the rink today filming the kids and then they did an interview with Coach Jonny. This was all shown tonight and we saw Derry looking very cool speeding down the ice, looking uncannily like Wayne Gretsky it has to be said. I am so proud!

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my good friend Stephanie Krupa for all her help. Without her Derry wouldnt have been able to do the hockey camp, what with me still not having a driving licence and Scott being ill, well it just wouldnt have been possible. Stephanie stepped in to help, she picks Derry up and takes him to the forum, she helps him with his skates and keeps an eye on him for me. Thank you Stephanie, we appreciate your support very much indeed.

And now for something completely different.

Here is Springsteen; intimidating the bin man….


heartshapedhedges said...

I stumbled upon your site...I have a "blogspot" blog too, and was going through sites randomly when I found you.

I also have a son diagnosed with t-cell ALL, with an almost identical wbc at diagnosis.

The first two years were the worst, and the body gets more run down and tired with each round of chemo....but the good news, is that there is a lot of hope. My son is doing well today, after 3.5 years of chemo, he is now 8.5 months off treatment and you would never know that he had ever been sick.

We will check back and keep you in our prayers.

andrew's page

heartshapedhedges said...

ooops, the website didnt link....

Unknown said...

Hi Scott,

Just popping in to see how things are going with ya. I hope you are having a good day today.

I just checked the mail and found the last letter that "Angel" David sent to you in my mailbox. His postage stamp came off... sorry! I will put it in the mail today with the package that they got ready for you.

Hugs to you,