Scott & Sunny

Scott & Sunny

Sunday, September 16, 2007

The pictures below, wow. The one with the boys running from waves - keep in mind that water was probably about 40-42 degrees - and Scott's wellies were full of it.

I absolutely loved the time I spent on the North Sea coast. Crovie was amazing, and doesn't even have a road. The extinguisher incident is a classic. Pennan was incredible as well. As was our special day on Loch Ness. My trips there rank as some of the best days of my life. If you've never been, you've never seen some of the most amazing landscapes on Earth.

And the looks from Derry and Scott after searching - unsuccessfully - for a TV were also classic, as were my fire-building skills with wet wood and coal.

1 comment:

Carolyn, aka Lady said...

We just got back yesterday; so glad to see Scott is home and feeling better. What a tough road you all have had over the past month - I am so glad Scott is headed back in the right direction.

A huge congrats to Derry - wow! I am very excited for him!

The pics were very enjoyable - I would pay good money to see my little brother trying to start ANY kind of fire - wet wood or dry!!
