Scott & Sunny

Scott & Sunny

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Chemo Angels

Scott is doing pretty well at the moment, pretty well considering all he's dealt with the last month and this being the "post-chemo week" with all the side effects. So I wanted to post about a couple of special folks (and their families).

There is a fair number of folks that stop by here and post comments on Scott's blog. I'm sure many of you have seen the posts by Scott's two Chemo Angels - Angel Laura and her family, and David and Staci. Those are folks we've technically never "met", but we crossed paths due to the Chemo Angels program.

I encourage all of you that visit here to click on the link above and read about the program. It is purely volunteer, and we can testify first-hand it is a great program. You have to really understand the appreciation a kid has when the stack of mail has something with their name on it. Especially someone in an ordeal such as Scott. Each child registered in the program gets two Chemo Angels, and they receive something weekly (and in our case, it seems even more frequently). It takes a little effort, but it has a value far beyond the effort required.

As we've said many times, both of Scott's Angel families deserve great big Thank You's for what they do. I just thought they, along with the program, deserve their own little shout-out here.

If you need inspiration beyond Scott's ordeal, just visit the nearest pediatric cancer center near you. Just once. It isn't an easy thing to do, but you'll walk away with a new perspective on most anything in life.

And I'd be remiss if I didn't mention September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. Just Google that term and read. We've all heard of the behemoth organizations geared to breast cancer and towards general research like Lance Armstrong's LIVESTRONG group. Sadly, childhood research never sees the sizable dollars some adult research programs see. Mostly because as a total, the number of kids with cancer is dwarfed by adults with cancer.

But child cancer needs more research. Much more.

Read about a little guy named Jack Brown on his site.

Or read about 5 fathers with children fighting the same disease, and their effort.


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