Scott & Sunny

Scott & Sunny

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Scott, or should I say 'Jason', had a great night and scored loads of sweeties, just a shame he couldnt eat any as he had to have an empty tummy for his 6mp (chemo). Halloween in America is quite different than in Scotland, my friend thought it interesting that in the UK, to get a treat you must do a 'trick', tell a joke or sing a song. She also thought the Guy Fawkes idea pretty cool too (the celebration/ritual of throwing a 'guy' on a bonfire in the village to commemorate the foiled plan to blow up the Houses of Parliament in 1605! Guy Fawkes was Catholic and the King of England at that time was Protestant). I miss Bonfire Night.
Anyway, great night for Scott, and David too, all dressed up in his old hag mask and scaring the cute little neighbourhood kids half to death. Derry refused to join in, apparently he is far too 'mature' for such silliness so he plugged himself in to some thrash metal and shot up zombies on the 360 instead.
Off to bed now, clinic tomorrow and hoping for good blood.
Oh and ps, a HUGE thank you to Grandmomma and Papa for spoiling us yet again with a big box of wonderful Georgia cookies. Much appreciated by all, thank you.


christine said...

Must say I like the fairies more than the ghouls and witches!
Love and hugs

Piper said...

I loved the Faeries as well. I - or should I say Kim Possibe - went around with Mother Nature and a Jim Edmonds.
I'm thrilled to see that Jason had a great time!
The bonfire sounds like a blast. As a child, many of the neighbors required we do some "trick." Now it's money for nothing and candy for free.

Lots of love to you all

Dawn said...

They may not have bonfire night and fireworks on 5 November, but the Americans sure know how to do Halloween!
Ours was pretty low key this year. The boys, like Derry, decided they were too old for all that and left it to the little kids in the road. Mind you they then wanted me to buy all the sweets they hadn't gone round and collected!
Glad 'Jason' enjoyed himself.
With love,