Anyhow, he doesn’t and goes off to become beautiful and I flip on the light. O horror, horror, horror (said Macduff) and I. I hope that insect doesn’t see me (said Adam Ant) and I. Can you tell I’m sleep deprived – ha!
Ants, big ones, had invaded and were busy having a rave in the cat food bowl. There was a line of them, to-ing and fro-ing, from the pool door, in through the cat flap, across no-mans land and pillaging our fancy feast. Grayt. So whilst I’m being awesome and cooking Derry some lovely bacon and eggs (it probably wont happen again – it’ll be jello pudding cups by the end of the week Im sure), poor David is staggering around like an old drunk, lunging at poor defenseless mutant ants with bug spray and a spatula.
Aaaah, back to school for little Derry sophomore. The end of a wonderful, long summer of warcraft and paling skin.
Scott sleeps on. Homeschooling has many benefits.