Sorry for being such a terrible blog-updater! Anyway, just wanted to say that the surgery went perfectly on Friday. The port was removed completely (sometimes part of it becomes attached and cant be taken out!) and the old scar tissue was also cut out and a new smaller and neater scar has taken its place. Scott had wanted to keep the port as a memento but there are strict rules that mean the port is sent to pathology for testing and then destroyed. The surgeon did however take a photo and give it to us. Its gross, with little bits of 'meat' attached to it. Its nasty. I think David is planning on scanning it to post on here for Sandie to see. LOL.
Friday, November 6, 2009
It's just abut noon here now. We had a delay as Scott's surgeon had to tend to a trauma case. He was finally taken back to OR about 11:30 and we're just waiting for word of a successful "deporting".
More later.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Just a very quick update to let you all know that Scott had clinic today and his bloodwork looked pretty good. Everything was much the same as last month with the exception of his lymphocoytes which were low - probably means he is fighting a bug of some sort, or could be allergies. He also saw the pediatric surgeon who placed his port back in January 07 at diagnosis. It was just a brief visit to discuss the surgery to remove it and for the doctor to check Scott over. Surgery is planned for Friday at 7.30am!!!!!!! UG. It seems strange that we have reached this milestone. Im not superstitious, but for some reason, it bothers me. I remember all too well the day it was 'installed', the day following diagnosis, just sitting waiting for him to come out of surgery. He also had his first spinal chemo at the same time. It was a nightmare. I couldnt stop crying. And now it's coming out. Wow.
For those not familiar, this is how easy it is to draw blood, give IV chemo or nutrition (such as TPN), or antibiotics using a port...
Scott was diagnosed with T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (T-cell A.L.L.) on 01/25/07. T-cell is an aggressive leukemia and Scott is considered a 'high risk' case. His white blood count at diagnosis was 89,000, he had a mediastinal mass and had also developed sudden and severe petechiae due to lack of platelets. There was no CNS involvement.
His chemotherapy treatment began on 1/26/07 and is a 108-week-long protocol of high dose chemotherapy, steroids and cranial radiation.
Scott is treated by Doctor Tebbi at St Joseph's Childrens Hospital in Tampa.